Friday, October 7, 2011

Migraine Relief - Home Treatment for migraine

Millions of Americans suffer from migraines. It is a neurological disorder, where you can enjoy an intense headache on one or both sides of the head and often radiates from the eyes. Migraine is a very disabling disease, is the experience of pain, nausea and vomiting hammer. Some, albeit with migraine attacks can not get out of bed and can not work at all or go to their daily routine. Fortunately, you can apply home treatment for migraine during attacks to relievePain.

Home treatment for migraine


A home treatment for migraine is frozen with a towel. Wet and squeeze a towel in the freezer for 5 minutes. If the towel is frozen place it around your head and eyes. This is easier to give the excruciating pain.

Migraine Relief - Home Treatment for migraine

Another home treatment for migraine therapy. Lie on a quiet dark room and someone's head and scalp massage to relieve pain. You can also do it yourself, you can massage the scalp and foreheadTurn your fingers.

Aroma therapy. Not all people find relief in aroma therapy, but there are migraine sufferers, the relief and relaxation with aromatherapy to find. Essential oils and certain scents relieve stress, tension and migraine headaches. Common essential oils helpful for migraine are lavender and peppermint.

Ginger is also one home treatment for migraine because of its anti-inflammatory properties. It helps in blood circulation and relaxes blood vessels. Fresh ginger, lightly cooked orin the form of dried ginger powder helps prevent migraine attacks.

Drink plenty of water. Adequate fluid intake is also one home treatment for migraine. Sometimes a headache from dehydration begins, because it is important to drink plenty of water. It is recommended that we drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

Know your facts. Migraine attacks have different triggers for different people. Some have migraine attacks after eating certain foods, or if the paina lot of stress. As a treatment for migraine headaches at home, you must learn and observe the triggers to prevent migraine attacks. Make a diary of all activities, what you have done what you eat, etc. before the start of migraine attacks. This will help you avoid triggers, and that future attacks.

Not all migraines are treatable with home remedies. If the above does not work at home treatment for migraine, you should consult your doctor. But if you have tried everything andhave found little or no relief, you can try to change your lifestyle to prevent migraine attacks.

Migraine Relief - Home Treatment for migraine


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