The pounding and throbbing of a Migraine headache will stop you in your tracks. They are extremely painful and anyone who suffers from Migraines know when they come on they can incapacitate you. Migraines will make your very sensitive to light, sounds and smells. Many times a person who is suffering from a Migraine will want to go to a dark room that is nice and quiet and lay down. An ice pack might help with some of the pain but you want something strong that will make the pain go away.
What Is A Migraine Headache?
During a migraine headache, the temporal artery gets larger. When this happens, the nerve fibers around the artery release a chemical. This artery is just outside the skull and once it starts throbbing you know what it is. The chemicals that are released are what cause the pain and inflammation of the artery.
Pain from migraines is not only painful but it causes you to feel physically ill, also being upset to your stomach and possibly having diarrhea. This will also cause your body not to absorb medications as well due to the stress your body is going through. If you feel a migraine headache coming on, you need to take the proper precautions and try to help yourself before the migraine become full blown.
How Do I Know It Is A Migraine?
Some of the symptoms for a migraine are:
o Throbbing head pain that is moderate to severe
o Usually one side of the head
o Pain Near Eye of Affected Side
o Pain gets worse with activity
o Sensitivity to light, sound or smell
o Nausea or Vomiting
o Incapacitating Pain
o Interferes with Daily life and sometimes Lasting Days or Weeks
What Can I Do?
Talk to your doctor who may want to run tests to further check for any problems. There are medications out there now that can help you control your migraine attacks []. Try to keep notes to see if there are any triggers before the onset of a migraine. Some people also find if they place an ice pack over their eyes, it helps ease some of the pain. If the medications do not work, make sure you tell your doctor or go the ER and get help.
Help With Migraine Headaches
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