Friday, September 30, 2011

How to get rid of a migraine

If you are a migraine sufferer you know how important it is to get the pain quickly. A migraine can be so severe as to put an end to all day. Many people may have two or more migraines per month. This article offers some ways to get rid of a migraine.

If your experience migraines with aura have an early warning system in place. One begins to flashes of light and dark spots in the field of vision or zigzag lines Announcementin your field of vision, then you are in the process of developing a migraine. Take an NSAID the counter immediately. These medications such as Advil and Motrin can help with mild pain from migraines. It 's probably a good idea to lie down in a dark room and quiet as well. Apply a cold cloth on the forehead of some comfort.


If your headaches are severe, you should consult your doctor. And 'migraine prescription medicine for you, as prescribed Imitrex. This was the first drug that has beenspecifically developed for the treatment of migraine. Imitrex acts like serotonin and binds to serotonin receptors in the brain. They cause blood vessels to constrict, thereby helping to increase the pressure on the brain and the pain of migraine.

How to get rid of a migraine

Imitrex has been developed by some other drugs have been created. They act in a manner similar to Imitrex but have fewer side effects and cause fewer rebound headaches.

Since nausea is a common complication that occurs with migraine, yourDoctor may prescribe an anti-emetic drugs such as Reglan, Compazine or Phenergan. These drugs do not lessen the pain of a migraine, but may stop the nausea and vomiting associated with it. Some of these drugs have the ability to make you relaxed and sleepy. More relaxed can help your pain medicine work better and may shorten the duration of your headache.

The best thing you can do for your migraines is to find the cause. Keep a diary, and tryto trigger certain that trigger a migraine can be localized. Some people are allergic to certain perfumes or flowers. Others may develop headaches after eating certain foods.

The other option is to talk to your doctor about preventive medicines for migraine. Studies have shown that some cardiovascular drugs and some antidepressants extremely effective in preventing migraine. New studies are done all the time. MaybeFinally find a cure for migraine headaches. But now all we can do is try to prevent or, if you feel one coming, try to treat it as quickly as possible.

How to get rid of a migraine


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