Saturday, September 24, 2011

How do I know if my headache is a migraine?

And 'the rare person that has never been a headache. However, all headaches are not created equal. There are several forms and is one of the most painful and difficult to manage migraine.

Migraines are throbbing headaches that seemed to be classified on one side of the head. Most migraine sufferers experience some degree of nausea and vomiting as well. They are also sensitive to light and sound, and the pain is worse than business.


Some patients with migraineExperience sensory disturbances (aura) at the beginning of the headache. This might flashing colored lines, flashes of light colored dots or black spots. It can also be a person who sees only half of an object. This type of attack will begin as a "classic migraine" headaches, and usually within 10 to 30 minutes to try the aura. This type of headache is experienced 10 to 15 percent of all patients with migraine.

How do I know if my headache is a migraine?

The other 85 percent to 90 percent experience acommon migraine (without aura and migraine). These people can still, however, warning signs, to which a sensation of heat in the head, a feeling of heaviness and a sensation of tightness in the scalp. These warnings may actually appear a couple of hours, just one day before the attack.

Able to read and learn your own body warnings and complaints can be a very important part of developing an effective program of treatment for headaches. It 'a good idea to keep a little diary of symptoms, soYou can identify any patterns that may arise. For example, it is possible that the headache comes on at about the same time each month. If this is the case, and you're a woman, could be linked with your monthly cycle.

A migraine can last a very long time ... every 4-72 hours. It starts with a dull, aching pain, but then develops into a throbbing pain magnificent, that varies. As mentioned, most sufferers are sensitive to light and sound and havebe in a dark room. Moving, bending or a sudden movement may be, the pain worse. Po 'in the amount of nausea or vomiting. Other changes in the body are diarrhea, increased urination and loss of appetite.

During the headache is at its worst, hands and feet feel very cold. But shortly before the migraine head felt hot. All these temperature variations are thought to be due to disturbances are the hypothalamus, the bodyThermostat.

Migraines often get after a period of intense stress is over, you're on vacation, a weekend or shortly after the meeting a deadline. It is not unusual for migraine sufferers to feel completely drained when the migraine is over. Some report feeling exhausted after days, others a sense of renewal and experience a boost of energy.

If after reading this, I think you're with migraine, please visitThe doctor, like a regular over-the-counter pain relievers is very little to alleviate the headache.

How do I know if my headache is a migraine?


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