Friday, September 30, 2011

How to get rid of a migraine

If you are a migraine sufferer you know how important it is to get the pain quickly. A migraine can be so severe as to put an end to all day. Many people may have two or more migraines per month. This article offers some ways to get rid of a migraine.

If your experience migraines with aura have an early warning system in place. One begins to flashes of light and dark spots in the field of vision or zigzag lines Announcementin your field of vision, then you are in the process of developing a migraine. Take an NSAID the counter immediately. These medications such as Advil and Motrin can help with mild pain from migraines. It 's probably a good idea to lie down in a dark room and quiet as well. Apply a cold cloth on the forehead of some comfort.


If your headaches are severe, you should consult your doctor. And 'migraine prescription medicine for you, as prescribed Imitrex. This was the first drug that has beenspecifically developed for the treatment of migraine. Imitrex acts like serotonin and binds to serotonin receptors in the brain. They cause blood vessels to constrict, thereby helping to increase the pressure on the brain and the pain of migraine.

How to get rid of a migraine

Imitrex has been developed by some other drugs have been created. They act in a manner similar to Imitrex but have fewer side effects and cause fewer rebound headaches.

Since nausea is a common complication that occurs with migraine, yourDoctor may prescribe an anti-emetic drugs such as Reglan, Compazine or Phenergan. These drugs do not lessen the pain of a migraine, but may stop the nausea and vomiting associated with it. Some of these drugs have the ability to make you relaxed and sleepy. More relaxed can help your pain medicine work better and may shorten the duration of your headache.

The best thing you can do for your migraines is to find the cause. Keep a diary, and tryto trigger certain that trigger a migraine can be localized. Some people are allergic to certain perfumes or flowers. Others may develop headaches after eating certain foods.

The other option is to talk to your doctor about preventive medicines for migraine. Studies have shown that some cardiovascular drugs and some antidepressants extremely effective in preventing migraine. New studies are done all the time. MaybeFinally find a cure for migraine headaches. But now all we can do is try to prevent or, if you feel one coming, try to treat it as quickly as possible.

How to get rid of a migraine

Thursday, September 29, 2011

What are the typical symptoms of atypical migraine?

Well, first let me ask you a question. What is the hardest question you've ever received?

For me as a doctor migraine, the most difficult question I will ever have, if the migraine pulling sick or a family member to me, around the corner and secretly following question: "should I have checked the internet, I found a these are typical migraine symptoms, do not have this, I have an atypical headache? "


Now, thanks to the Internet has the medical expertise to increase much, at leastthe patient is sober enough to bring the matter to me, Dr. House.

What are the typical symptoms of atypical migraine?

Let us clarify, as long as you have a headache, what you get is more or less a typical migraine.

Atypical migraine headache is usually a silent, their migraine attack rather than the symptoms of headaches mentioned agents. In this situation, the victims all the other typical symptoms of headache, nausea, sensitivity to light and noise, and usually is the aura ofSymptoms have included give us an indication that a migraine that particular type of atypical neurological problems.

There are also some cases can cause abdominal pain and atypical facial pain as a migraine. Due to the same reason an atypical migraine is difficult to diagnose because of the lack of headaches, it is difficult for the doctor to get the correct conclusion, while describing the sufferer.

The good news is that there is no evidence that an atypicalMigraine can lead to permanent damage. And the typical regular treatment of migraine is also the case unusual.

The point that I like to strengthen want to know is before you has taken drugs for migraine, you should really groped some natural remedy methods of migraine. It is not clear, the side effects of some medications for migraine.

For those affected, your doctor highly dependent on their computers. I strongly recommend that natural remedies migraines before, if the traditional treatment of migrainedoes not need to go to the doctor and ask for specific drugs. He did it save time and money.

What are the typical symptoms of atypical migraine?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Visual migraine - symptoms of blurred vision and migraine visual

Visual migraine is an unusual name for a chronic disease. People have to hear or speak, uses a scientific name, when a medical case. Therefore, giving the conditions of the various types of migraine of a clue to its nature, it is considered a source or cause.

Migraine headache is also called visual eye, migraine silent migraines acephalgic, eye migraine, visual migraine known. Experts note, however, without a migraine attack. To better known, one must understand thenormal levels of migraine. The first phase is a precursor. And 'the moment when the attack warnings are displayed, how to start confusion, irritability or diarrhea, hunger and thirst. The next phase is the aura migraine, a time when vision problems are perceived. During this stage, other forms also occur. These include numbness, tingling, slurred speech and difficulty moving. The pain goes on, after this phase that could last up to two days. If thisthe patient may feel tired for 24 hours. Not all migraine sufferers go through all these four phases during the attack. Migraine can occur without the aura or the headache. That is what happened to the visual migraine (without headaches).


Like other forms of migraine, visual migraine symptoms of their established consisting of euphoria, irritability, confusion, chills, increased urination, fatigue, thirst, hunger, loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea andDiarrhea.

Visual migraine - symptoms of blurred vision and migraine visual

The most obvious sign of an eating disorder symptoms visual aura that is felt by the patient. He / she sees one of the following options: blind spots, spots, flashing lights, jagged or wavy lines. The patient may also by distortions in taste sensations, sound or smell, tingling or numbness to go to other parts of the body.

Doctors believe that migraine is out of view the abnormal activity of nerve cells in the brain. Aura caused by the activities "Depression (after over-stimulation) of these cells. The reduction in activity spread across the head, the feeling from the center vision and hearing center. This reaction is called by many trigger events started. The headaches are visual triggers: loud noises, bright light, hormonal changes, some changes in food, climate, alcohol, caffeine, skipping meals, adequate sleep and stress.

Moderate or mild visual migraine attacks do not need drugs, with the exception of rest. For moresevere symptoms, beta-blockers, beta-agonist inhalation agents such as aspirin should be prescribed. Like other types of migraine is the best drug prevention in a natural way.

Visual migraine - symptoms of blurred vision and migraine visual

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Painless Migraine - Treatment, Symptoms

Painless Migraine is known by other names such as silent migraine, ocular migraine headaches without aura, migraine or migraine optical. Painless migraine symptoms are similar to the typical early symptoms of migraine. It is reached by pain (headache). It is accompanied by visual disturbances such as numbness fingers, numbness living, dizziness, or seeing flashing lights.

These symptoms are found in older women and young people, and are rare in men. The most painlessHeadache problem is, these symptoms be attributed to other diseases wrong. Without symptoms of headache, it is difficult for providers to diagnose migraine!.


Many optical migraine symptoms are similar to indicators such as stroke. The doctors think patients are suffering from a mild stroke, so they are diagnosed. Optical headache symptoms can be severe convulsions, or "vision problems caused.

Painless Migraine - Treatment, Symptoms

It is necessary to encourage doctors to do what they feel health testsimportantly, the attacks to eliminate health problems. You can order an eye exam, blood tests, an MRI and a CT scan.

The first step in identifying migraine painlessly explain the history of your family. Patients with headaches are members of their families who suffer from migraines.

Describe the symptoms carefully by your doctor. You will need a long way to the symptoms that you suffer from migraines ocular convincing, if you have multipleSymptoms.

Painless treatment of migraine is the same for the typical headaches. The treatments used are the same, including headache treatments that come in, when the vision began to be prevented. Nasal sprays and injections are better forms of treatment.

Painless Migraine - Treatment, Symptoms

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Migraine triggers - 3 common food triggers

Migraine triggers are still a mystery today nobody really knows the root causes of migraine. This effect of each trigger migraine patients in different ways, but most say they perform certain foods or food combinations that make them a migraine.

Science contradicts even patients with active migraine with regard to food, there was no conclusive relationship between certain foods and migraines so far. However, there is so muchanecdotal evidence that links the two, there's always a point of discussion.


Here is a list of foods that have been known to trigger migraines in many sufferers.

Migraine triggers - 3 common food triggers

Spices and food additives

Each spice has the potential to be a trigger. Since most herbs have a strong smell, the smell may be a trigger for some individuals. Other additives such as glutamate is generally known as the short form of MSG, which is quite common in Asian dishes, is also a frequent trigger. Moreare artificial sweeteners, food coloring and vinegar.

Meat Products

Salami, bacon, sausages, hot dogs are generally known to trigger migraines. This applies particularly nitrates, which in these products, which will probably find the root cause.


Cheese must mature especially hard because migraine cheese. This is in contrast with soft cheeses, cream cheese and cheeses that are newunlikely to cause problems.

Control migraine triggers is an important part of life is a life without migraines. As I suffer from migraines, I learned techniques that I stay on top of the migraine.

Migraine triggers - 3 common food triggers

Saturday, September 24, 2011

How do I know if my headache is a migraine?

And 'the rare person that has never been a headache. However, all headaches are not created equal. There are several forms and is one of the most painful and difficult to manage migraine.

Migraines are throbbing headaches that seemed to be classified on one side of the head. Most migraine sufferers experience some degree of nausea and vomiting as well. They are also sensitive to light and sound, and the pain is worse than business.


Some patients with migraineExperience sensory disturbances (aura) at the beginning of the headache. This might flashing colored lines, flashes of light colored dots or black spots. It can also be a person who sees only half of an object. This type of attack will begin as a "classic migraine" headaches, and usually within 10 to 30 minutes to try the aura. This type of headache is experienced 10 to 15 percent of all patients with migraine.

How do I know if my headache is a migraine?

The other 85 percent to 90 percent experience acommon migraine (without aura and migraine). These people can still, however, warning signs, to which a sensation of heat in the head, a feeling of heaviness and a sensation of tightness in the scalp. These warnings may actually appear a couple of hours, just one day before the attack.

Able to read and learn your own body warnings and complaints can be a very important part of developing an effective program of treatment for headaches. It 'a good idea to keep a little diary of symptoms, soYou can identify any patterns that may arise. For example, it is possible that the headache comes on at about the same time each month. If this is the case, and you're a woman, could be linked with your monthly cycle.

A migraine can last a very long time ... every 4-72 hours. It starts with a dull, aching pain, but then develops into a throbbing pain magnificent, that varies. As mentioned, most sufferers are sensitive to light and sound and havebe in a dark room. Moving, bending or a sudden movement may be, the pain worse. Po 'in the amount of nausea or vomiting. Other changes in the body are diarrhea, increased urination and loss of appetite.

During the headache is at its worst, hands and feet feel very cold. But shortly before the migraine head felt hot. All these temperature variations are thought to be due to disturbances are the hypothalamus, the bodyThermostat.

Migraines often get after a period of intense stress is over, you're on vacation, a weekend or shortly after the meeting a deadline. It is not unusual for migraine sufferers to feel completely drained when the migraine is over. Some report feeling exhausted after days, others a sense of renewal and experience a boost of energy.

If after reading this, I think you're with migraine, please visitThe doctor, like a regular over-the-counter pain relievers is very little to alleviate the headache.

How do I know if my headache is a migraine?

Friday, September 23, 2011

How to deal properly with migraine nausea?

For some patients with migraine, the most annoying of migraine is the pain, but nausea and vomiting may occur with him. Symptoms ruin the perfect day.

Statistics have shown that 80% of patients with migraine, symptoms may take various degrees of nausea and a third of their land up to empty the stomach.


If suffering from vomiting, the patient and the person begins to be aware of the situation. Once the migraineinclude vomiting, the patient is exposed to the risk of dehydration.

How to deal properly with migraine nausea?

So, how to deal properly headaches with nausea?

Here are some tips on how to specify. The tips can be performed against some of their traditional beliefs, but you should look first and decide later.

First, keep drinking water. If vomiting occurs, along with headaches, the patient should be aware of the danger of dehydration. We do not propose, and we know that you can not drinkfull glass of water at once, but you should try to drink a small amount of water. Even if you feel uncomfortable when the water flows through the gorge, but it helps to stay hydrated.

And the second tip is to try to eat something and if you want to throw it. I know that sounds weird. Why waste the food? Well, this is the place to eat to make sure you do something to throw that helps to relax the stomach and have movement.

For this reason we strongly recommend that migraineSufferers should eat breakfast. At least you have a backup!

The third suggestion is to try natural remedies migraines methods. You'll never know how a slice of ginger will help a lot.

After all done above, please consult your doctor and what could be the trigger for your headache, and what kind of headache you have. After getting to know specific information about your migraine, you should avoid the trigger and start living a healthy dietHabit.

How to deal properly with migraine nausea?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Migraine - Healing with hypnosis

Migraine is one of the most common reasons why many people go to the emergency room or doctors' offices.

Headache lasting 4 to 72 hours per day vary in frequency from less than once a year. Migraine affects approximately 15% of the population. Three times more women than men have migraines. Over 80% of people with migraine (migraine) are the other family members they have.


The headaches are due to changes inBrain and surrounding blood vessels. These changes in the brain and surrounding blood vessels are caused by stress due to excessive demands, the resistance to the flow of life, or sexual dissatisfaction / fears.

Migraine - Healing with hypnosis

In a study by Anderson, JA (1975) had migraine sufferers were treated with hypnosis, deals with a significant reduction in the number of attacks and their severity compared to a control group with conventional drugs. The difference was not significantstatistically significant only in the second six months of follow-up. In addition, the end of a year, was the number of patients with migraine in the hypnosis group had no headaches for over three months was significantly higher.

Olness (1987), conducted a randomized controlled self-hypnosis. This study showed that significantly more effective than propranolol or a placebo in reducing the frequency of migraine in children aged between six and twelveYears.

In studies of LC Schlutter (1980), hypnosis was more effective in relieving tension headaches occur.

A. Aladdin (1988) examined the literature on hypnosis, to identify a dozen different hypnotic techniques that were used in the treatment of chronic migraine. These seem to dressage, emphasizing relaxation, hand warming the easiest way to determine a more voluntary control of the vasomotor system, sensitive and directhypnotic suggestions of symptom removal have all been shown to be effective in reducing ', intensity, duration and frequency of migraine during the ten weeks and thirteen months of follow-up compared with controls.

A study by Gutfeld, G. Rao, L. (1992) was performed on 42 patients with migraine. These were all patients with migraine evil had not responded to conventional treatments, divided into two groups. Hypnotherapy has been a relief to their dailyHeadache, the rest served as a comparison group. The expert group hypnotherapy reduced the frequency and duration of headaches, cutting the intensity by about 30%. "These results are impressive in a difficult, difficult to treat group of patients," said Egilius Spierings, MD, Ph.D. Director, Headache Section, Department of Neurology at Brigham and Women Hospital.

Unfortunately, there are barriers that prevent people to prevent migraines as effectivelyTreatments. The abundance of myths and misconceptions about hypnosis prevents to consider this highly effective treatment.

Another major obstacle is the government and insurance impede adequate pain management, providing access to the full treatment - for example: chiropractic, acupuncture, acupuncture, healing, metaphysics - Mind, Body and Spirit - with hypnosis , Rolfing, massage, biofeedback, cranio-sacral Walking the body, body work and movement therapyTherapies.

Another important aspect of the treatment of migraine has access to food allergies and sensitivities. The main dietary culprits for migraine are peas, corn, foods high in acidity - onions, garlic, corn, eggplant, peppers, strawberries and potatoes - yes, there are the fries.


Alladin, A. (1988). "Hypnosis in the treatment of severe chronic migraines In M. Heap (Ed.), Hypnosis:. Current clinical practice, experimental and forensic.London: Croom Helm. P. 159-166.

Anderson, JA, basketball, MA & Dalton, R. (1975),. "Migraine and hypnotherapy." International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 23, 48-58.

Gutfeld, G. Rao, L. (1992). "With hypnosis in patients with chronic headache, serious treatment against other," How in the prevention, 44, reported 24-25.

Olness, K., MacDonald, JT, and Uden, DL (1987). "Comparison of self-hypnosis and propranolol in the treatment ofYouth classic migraine "Pediatrics, 79, 593 -. 597

Schlutter, LC, Golden, CJ & Blume, HG (1980). "A comparison of treatments for muscle contraction headaches prefrontal cortex." British Journal of Medical Psychology, 53, 47-52.

Migraine - Healing with hypnosis

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

3 ways to manage migraines faster

There are too many types of pain as the pain of migraine can be so terrible. The general pain can often be very disabling, causing the complete destruction of a person's life. Migraines can be very difficult to manage, and control, but knowing a few simple tricks, you can often quickly bring the intensity of pain to a tolerable level, and sometimes even because of it.

Most migraine sufferers develop a recognizable patternto their disease. These models are different for everyone, but if ignored, often informed by a person for a headache is imminent. Knowing that a migraine attack is imminent can help a person begin treatment early and often reduce or eliminate headaches completely.


Once a headache starts, it's all to do something to alleviate or stop the pain. Fortunately, there are many natural methods, this goal without the use of dangerous drugs can afford. People whoAnalgesic rebound headaches too often in reality the experience is usually a good idea to non-drug methods, can help with pain. Rebound headaches are headaches that are actually caused by the drugs themselves. Instead of relieving headaches, they actually cause it.

3 ways to manage migraines faster

1 - Relax

The best thing to do when a migraine can not seem to panic. Increasing the stress level only increases your pain. Stay calm and find a quiet dark room, areand relaxation. Relaxing can often relieve pain and sometimes even get rid of a whole. Relaxing is particularly useful if you notice any symptoms as an aura, that you are alerted to the impending headache, where you can relax before starting the headache is present.

2 - Cold Therapy

This is as simple as putting an ice pack on the back of the neck at the base of the skull. Migraines are caused when blood vessels surrounding the brain to expand or increase, soincreased pressure in the head. Place an ice pack on the base of the skull, a small amount of blood flow in the head, which can also cause a narrowing of blood vessels. With an ice pack in conjunction with relaxation in a quiet, dark room, the effect. When using an ice pack, it is best to use a damp cloth between the ice and the skin and do not put ice directly on the skin, rather than for a longer period.

3 - Heat Treatment

You might askyou "because it should help heat a headache, it is the exact opposite of an ice pack?" Ice works because it reduces the flow of blood to the head, but believe it or not, the heat can not be the same. Heat can also help reduce the flow of blood to the head by heating an area away from the head. A nice hot bath warms the body, reducing the flow of blood from the head and body. This leads to the same result as an ice pack, just in a different way.

3 ways to manage migraines faster

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Causes and symptoms of vestibular migraines

Recently, reading the newspaper I came across an article that singer Janet Jackson's fight with vestibular migraines prevent them to perform on tour for two weeks. I had never heard of vestibular migraines so I decided to do a little research was in order. That's what I found

So what are vestibular migraines?


Causes and symptoms of vestibular migraines

A vestibular migraine with an aura or visual disturbances caused in which the aura consists of imbalance or the illusion of movement. Vertigo is thecommon feature, and is usually defined as the illusion of movement, spinning, or weigh.

This type of migraine is similar to many other forms of migraine. There are some distinct differences that are discussed in this article. People who have experienced the headaches vestibular often report seeing flashes of light or spots and flashes of light, which is similar to the warning signs experienced during various other forms of migraine.

Some of the most common symptomsmay consist of headaches, such as throbbing headache is usually very painful, or on a particular side of the head. Most people want to go in a very quiet, darkened room because of the extreme sensitivity that they experience noise and light, and some people have reported nausea, vomiting or excessive sleeping.

Just as some people with a visual aura with their migraines may experience dizziness and other other types of vertigo in migraine. AttacksMigraine associated vertigo can last from minutes to several days. If you suffer from migraines, vertigo, motion-sensitive, you can also, with a history of motion sickness.

Vertigo is controlled by mechanisms of balance within the inner ear, causing the affected during vestibular migraine. The vertigo typically goes after a few minutes, but if not, there is a form of drug called meclizine and an exercise that a physician caninstruct or prescribe.

What are the causes of this type of headache?

And 'known to inherit as with other forms of migraine that people predisposed to migraines. Migraines sometimes in families, and vestibular migraine can.

Are drowsiness and dizziness caused by a vestibular migraine, common migraine triggers can, like certain foods, altered sleep, stress or hormonal changes are triggered in relation to the menstrual cycle.

Moreover, no one knows the specific. Cause If you are afraid of heights, sometimes it's the disease of the inner ear and sometimes it is a problem in the brain stem. What would happen with vestibular migraine is that it changes in the brain stem is not with the inner ear that gives rise to symptoms. For most people with migraine-associated vertigo, passing attacks of dizziness are not necessarily at the same time as the headache.

Causes and symptoms of vestibular migraines

Monday, September 19, 2011

Migraine Headaches - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

A 2003 study by the World Health Organization estimates that at least 303 million people worldwide suffer from migraines. How so widespread, it is possible that you or someone you know might be a migraineur, (a person who has a headache) are. Therefore, it is good to know that what you do. What are migraines, and what distinguishes them from regular headaches? Also, what are the causes, triggers, symptoms, treatments and prevention. Usthese topics and more in this article explore.

The headaches have been attributed to several causes, but perhaps the only one on which most of the contract refers to the dilation of blood vessels in the head. A migraine is characterized by severe headaches, which are usually limited to one side of the head.


There are two main types, as well as classical migraine headaches with aura, migraine without aura and migraine common or known. Aura, usually in the form of visualDisorders such as blind spots, dots, spots, flashes, and similar conditions. There are only a few of those who experience aura during the first phase of a migraine attack, before full blown symptoms occur.

Migraine Headaches - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

The most common symptoms of migranieurs be identified: the sensitivity to light and sound, numbness, difficulty in speech problems, nausea and vomiting. Because the symptoms can vary from person to person, sometimes not diagnosed with migraine, leading to even more suffering for people with thisState.

There are several things that can trigger migraines. There are some that can be controlled, such as secondhand smoke, certain types of food, alcohol, and the lights. There are others, such as weather changes, of which you have no control.

As the search is carried out and dug new facts of migraine is now recognized in some circles, as a purely neurological disease. Perhaps not so well known is the fact that migrainehave been shown to lead to diseases such as stroke and coma.

Another, less recognized that migraine is a malfunction in the life of someone who is infected can cause. Because of the intensity and severity, many migraine sufferers are unable to function normally during an episode that can last several hours, or in some cases take several days. Some are not able to get relief from traditional remedies, and can only conclude away in a dark room, a littleRelief. This can have serious consequences on their work and family and other relationships.

And 'preventive treatments are available, which are usually for people who suffer more than 2 attacks in a given month as prescribed. Are included in these beta-blockers and antidepressants. Over time this can reduce the swelling of blood vessels, but not necessarily treat all the symptoms of a migraine.

There are other preventive treatments, not related to the use of drugs that have beensuccessfully. These include the use of herbs such as feverfew and butterbur and supplements such as vitamin B2, magnesium and coenzyme Q10.

As the number of people increased from migraine, said the search. This has led to greater awareness of the disease, and beyond that further information is available that can help migranieurs. While the debilitating effects of the disease are denied, there is help available to combat its effects, and to help. Prevent

Migraine Headaches - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Foods that trigger migraines

Migraine and prohibitions are so common and there are many migraine sufferers. Some concern the food and products that trigger the onset of the headache. Many substances can be easily automated. There is no scientific evidence on good food for them and vice versa. However, a consensus among interested parties to certain foods is linked to an attack, while some have been linked to help alleviate the symptoms. Nothing like personal experience, and these do's and don'ts canworth trying.

The Early Show recently featured Keri Glassman, who was healed in the amino acid tyramine, which include wine, chocolate, smoked products, cheese, and find pickled meat, avocado, eggplant, bananas, raspberries and some other vegetables and fruit maintained responsible for the onset of migraine.


Another factor that contain additives, monosodium glutamate, nitrites and often packaged as an accent. These products, preservatives or flavor enhancers are found inCheese powder, Chinese food, Campbell's soup, frozen foods, chips, salad dressings, and others. Many patients have to check the labels of these products and avoid them.

Foods that trigger migraines

Another well-known food triggers aspartame, an artificial sweetener known to fire wildly neurons. Alcohol is a further contribution to migraine, but against people in many ways. Some patients have red wine may have been triggered because of the sulphites, while others have experienced an outbreak ofHeadache with spirits such as gin and tequila.

Migraine relievers have included omega 3 fatty acids found in fish and nuts, ginger, caffeine, magnesium and vitamin B2 riboflavin. Other means of prevention include adequate sleep, eating well without skipping meals or eating and exercise. The parties involved should take note of a migraine diary, which consumed before an attack. If you notice a pattern, or the food product should be discarded.

Today, many patientsThe use of non-invasive therapy for a variety of health problems. For these patients do not want to use strong drugs and medications, you should try the process of elimination, the food problem as well as good food or good. Although these foods have been scientifically proven, many patients with migraine can vouch for this and is working only for you.

Foods that trigger migraines

Saturday, September 17, 2011

What Does a Migraine Feel Like?

People who have never suffered from an often ask, what does not feel the headache. Those who have these headaches usually respond that than anything else, a person I've ever heard. Women are three times more likely than men to have these debilitating headaches, often accompanied by nausea, extreme sensitivity to light and sound, and also accompanied by vomiting to get.

In some cases, precede or accompany the symptoms of migraine, the headache itself. Among these sensory signs or warnings, such as tinglingin, leg or arm blind spots or flashes of light. If the headache is coming true with his sensitivity to light and sound, nausea and vomiting. If you are not interested in a position to avoid this headache that happens, stop for an unpleasant experience.


A throbbing pain on one side of the head is the best way to describe how the pain feels real. Causes of migraines are unknown, but probably by a disturbance in the serotonergic control resultof the body. The best a person can do, the situation is just address signs or symptoms may be present.

What Does a Migraine Feel Like?

Migraines can last several hours, or they may remain for several days. The pain of migraine often ebb and flow of tricks to conceive of a patient, the headache is gone, which appears only for a short time later. The worst thing is, there is no cure for these headaches to those who are determined by them, suffer from quite a few experience in theirLife.

This, in brief, is the answer to the question of what a migraine feel like it. It 'feels very unwelcome, to say the least, and that can be extended for several days makes it even worse. If you have never suffered from any of these headaches, Count Your Blessings, because it can bear.

What Does a Migraine Feel Like?

Friday, September 16, 2011

Migraine sufferers should avoid milk?

Migraine patients should perhaps avoid beverages containing caffeine, like coffee and tea or artificially sweetened drinks like diet cola, as these among the dozens of foods that cause a response in patients with migraine. At this potential minefield, even milk is a high risk food allergy ranking high on the list, and according to a study published in Lancet in 1979, has a headache (1) has been implicated in

The best way to learn what foods are allergic reactionsgo on a strict diet, with only a few foods that are responsive to the base of the range (such as lamb or pears). After abstinence for five days, a possible trigger foods can be reintroduced every day, while monitoring for side effects. Of course, not to mention the discomfort and misery of such a regime limited, it would be extremely unwise, diet "foods a few" caused more than five days as a serious lack of nutrients would continue.


A study ofMigraine and non-seasonal asthma was conducted on a group of 48 patients in 1983. Patients were on a diet that will enforce any excluded cow's milk proteins. All patients had laboratory evidence of lactase deficiency, and 48 showed improvement, with 33 designated for elimination of cow's milk from the diet (2). Lactase (3) is an enzyme, lactose, milk sugar into glucose and galactose. People can develop a deficiency of lactase in the intestines and stomach crampsDiarrhea after eating dairy products. Migraines can apparently be a supplement to this best-known side effects.

Migraine sufferers should avoid milk?

There are several accounts of people with severe migraines which ended abruptly when the milk has been cut from the diet. One side says that the hormones used in milk production, and encourages the move to all organic products.

Another group believes that it is not the milk itself that causes the problem, but the freshness of the product and the amount of bacteriait contains. This is perhaps because of a study on milk intolerance and microbe-containing dairy products, because they were still left in lactase deficiency (4). Done born

In a remarkable twist, has an antibacterial milk product for use in patients with menstrual migraine patented, supports the idea that for many of the bacterial load of milk is actually a trigger. This development, with lactase deficiency above joined forces to make an antibacterial milk solution, a significantApproach (5).

A special case study in the patent application (5) reported that a patient has taken a heavy menstrual complaints including debilitating migraine, two 500 mg capsules of the supplement twice a day for four months, which is an environment of migraine and a significant decline in other symptoms. When they use the product again with their symptoms, and reduced again when you restart.

These supplements are sold, reduce joint pain andStiffness is also claimed, including the ability to address other types of pain, headaches. It is not suitable for use before or during pregnancy or by those who are lactose (milk sugar) intolerant. Understandably, I can not support this product in person, without first groped. Since that money can buy, but a cheap product, and natural food stores, will benefit readers of studies, but we must remember the previous warnings.

The fact remains is a milk boosterfor some patients with migraine, and eliminating from the diet of an intolerant person, the relief is almost immediate, again only the reintroduction of dairy products to their diet. With so many other dietary sources of calcium exist, a trial period of excluding dairy products is a very effective exercise.


(1) Grant ECG, nutrition, allergies, migraine, Lancet, 5, 1979, 966-969
(2) Isr J Med Sci September 1983, 19 (P, S, G, E, B) Ratner D, Shoshani E, BDubnov
(4) Savaii DA, Levitt MD - J Dairy Sci February 1987, 70 (2) :397-406
(5) U.S. Pat 6770280 Treatment of menorrhagia, menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea and menstrual migraine with the administration of an antibacterial milk product

Research by Grace-Alexander

Migraine sufferers should avoid milk?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Migraine - pain that can be prevented - New ideas and approaches to prevention

The pain of a migraine is one of the most excruciating pain that can be heard. A migraine is different from a tension headache, both in its cause and severity - often intensely vibrant and one-sided. Migraine affects about 8% of the Canadian population, women are three times more frequently than men, and may cause serious losses for the period of absence from work and pleasure. Migraineurs (migraine patients), with nausea, vomiting, fighting, and moreSensitivity to light and noise, in addition to excruciating pain. The headaches can be anywhere from hours to days, and many people end up in the emergency room after he found relief. Migraine headaches are vascular - extend small blood vessels in the brain, and you press on the nerve causing the pain, and tension headaches are due to muscle contraction.

Although the treatment of migraine has progressed a bit 'in recent years with the advent of abortifacient drugs, there is still a greatAmount of suffering. As usual, not enough time to create programs for the prevention and alternative methods of treatment other than medication is released.


From a preventive migraine can be divided into three categories:
Allergies and intolerances Stress Hormonal Some or all of the above
Migraine can be triggered by various substances in the diet. The most common substances such as sulfites are naturally contain a preservative or in bothWine and fruit juice, concentrated lemon juice and especially lime and dried fruit. Here is a partial list of foods that may contain sulfites - Check the labels - canned vegetables, canned foods, dried fruits, potato, vegetable juice, grape juice, apple juice, fresh or frozen shrimp, guacamole, cherries Maraschino, and dehydrated pre-cut or peeled potatoes. Sulfite-containing components to look at the labels of food products: sulfur dioxide, potassium bisulphite orGlutamate metabisulfite, sodium bisulfite, sodium metabisulfite or sodium or MSG sulphite.Monosodium, a flavoring agent in many foods and often used in Chinese food may also precipitate migraine headaches and other symptoms. Migraine can be triggered by a substance commonly known as tyramine. Tyramine is an amino acid, which often contain large amounts of cheese, beans or sauerkraut, pickles, olives, dark chocolate and red wine. Each fermented soy products maycontain tyramine - such as miso, soy sauce and teriyaki sauce. Marmite and Vegemite ® ® processed fish and meats containing nitrites (such as hot dogs), citrus, and caffeine may also suspect. Almost all foods can precipitate migraine - I've seen, wheat and diary to bring very specific for migraine. Stress can precipitate headaches as well. Sometimes, however, have migraines with their patients, not only after the stress is over. This stress paradoxReaction is common. People with migraines often push more of them to handle comfortably, and do so well during the same stress and the headache comes on only after the stressful period is over. The hormonal aspect of migraine is probably the most neglected. We know that the birth control pill headache worse and can also precipitate migraine headaches in those who have not suffered before him. There is a risk in taking the pill if youMigraine, especially if you have an "aura" before the headache comes on, because there is a greater likelihood of stroke in patients with migraine with aura and those who take the pill. Migraine can occur only before menstruation are from 7-10 days before the beginning of the cycle, and then magically disappear a few days after the cycle begins again. We all tend to look for a single cause for migraine or illness for that matter, and more often than not it is a combination ofFactors that precipitate each disease, and migraine may be, is no exception. Prevention is doing something difficult. This means that you must consider all the above factors in prevention. To start I recommend the following.
The bottom line in preventing migraine
Diet - Eliminate all processed foods and pay special attention to the foods listed above, which tyramine, sulfites and MSG content. If it does not contribute to this reduction, then the next to eliminate milk and milk products before andthen wheat, rye, oats and barley (all foods containing gluten) from your diet. If you do this, at the time of your migraine attacks planned, you should only remove them for 1-2 weeks before they have a negative impact, you know. Do not delete these basic foods for a long time without the help of a health professional. Reduce stress through regular relaxation / meditation program (as usual, I recommend my "Learn to relax and enjoy life" CDavailable for access to resources for Empwerment). In particular migraine sufferers should avoid their lives as much as possible the rhythm and stress manage it well, rather than actually getting out, and then with a migraine, if that's the reason. No migraineur should be the pill. If your headache menstruation (for example, are available within a week you get your time on a regular basis) used and whether they were always present during a pregnancy, you have a good chanceto prevent further attacks, developing a program of my father, Dr. Nevil Leyton Harley St. London, United Kingdom, using a natural hormone HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). This treatment is 80% effective in preventing migraine in hormonally induced situations. More details can be found, scroll to the site in Dr. Leyton "free articles" section for the article "Migraine Prevention -. A natural treatment for people suffering from migraine-related hormonal" This treatmentshould be administered by a doctor. Consider all the options above as well as the following: The use of herbs has been found useful - as a preventive Feverfew is found in many natural food stores and pharmacies. Recently, a vitamin, and two important antioxidants have proved useful in prevention. These are important new studies. Two studies have shown that intake of coenzyme Q10 as a supplement to attack at a dose of 180 mg / day reduced the rate of 50%. Another studyRiboflavin (vitamin B2) can attack at a dose of 400 mg per day to reduce the incidence and severity of 50%. Both 1 and 3 months to take effect. No one has these two studies together, but both act in the same area of ​​the cell, so that they can synergistically. The other study shows that the antioxidant lipoic acid may be some potential benefit to 600 mg / day, but it is not conclusive. The side effects are not present in these new treatments.

Migraine - pain that can be prevented - New ideas and approaches to prevention

For those interested in the followingthis research, the references to those listed below.

Lancet (1942), 1:488 Leyton, Nevil. Medical Press and RS (1944);. 11:302 Leyton, Nevil. A new approach for the treatment of migraine.
Medical Press and Circ. (1951) 226:46 Leyton, Nevil
Periodic migraines and headaches-a modern approach to successful treatment of Nevil Leyton MA, MRCS, LRCP. William Heinemann Medical Books Ltd (1954 - 2nd edition)
Headache 2007 Jan; 47 (1) :52-7-lipoic acid, a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlledlipoic acid in migraine prophylaxis
Neurology 2005 22 February: 64 (4) :713-5 efficacy of coenzyme Q10 in migraine prophylaxis: a randomized controlled trial ..
Headache March 2002;. 22 (2) :137-41 open-label trial of coenzyme Q10 as a migraine prevention. Rozen TD, Oshinsky ML, Enter line CA, Bradley KC Young WB Shechter
Canadian Family Physician October 2003; 49:1291-3 high-dose riboflavin for migraine prophylaxis Corinne Breen, MD Adrian Crowe, MD Heather J. Roelfsema, MD, MSC InderpalSingh Saluja, MD Dale Guenter, MD, MPH
Edward Leyton MD FCFP © 2007 © 2007 CGPP access to resources for the empowerment

Migraine - pain that can be prevented - New ideas and approaches to prevention

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Silent Migraine - Migraine Eye of the factors

What is eye-migraine?

Migraine with aura eye or causes of visual impairment in which these visual symptoms consist of imbalance and the illusion of movement. Vertigo is the most commonly used. It is defined as an illusion, spinning, swinging motion.


Migraine eye is similar to other forms of migraine. There are some differences that are discussed here. Victims who report migraine often silent seeing spots, flashing lights and flickering light, which is similarThe first symptoms of other forms of migraine with experience.

Silent Migraine - Migraine Eye of the factors

Pulse, headaches and other common symptoms of migraine pain could exist. The headache can be found on one side of the head. Many stakeholders want to sleep in a dark place for their extreme sensitivity to noise and light. Some patients have reported nausea and vomiting.

Many migraine patients experience disturbances quiet light-headedness, dizziness and visual similarity between migraine attacks. ThePatients may vertigo, motion-sensitive, and how because of his history of motion sickness. It can be from half an hour to several days.

The vertigo of migraine is caused by the imbalance silent inner ear, as they are affected during migraine attacks. Meclizine and other over-the-counter medications can remove and treat.

What causes migraines in silence?

Eye Migraine runs in families. Drowsiness and dizziness caused by the headaches are caused by silentmany triggers, such as:

1 - Some foods
2 - Altered sleep
3 - Stress
4 - Hormonal changes
5 - Changes in the menstrual cycle.

Silent Migraine - Migraine Eye of the factors

Monday, September 12, 2011

Migraine - Causes and Cures

I'll show you how to heal the headache itself. No "hocus pocus", not "lifestyle change", not books and cheese, and definitely not a "new age" stuff ..... only sound medical facts.

Fact: Most of the migraine starts 05:00 a 08:00 clock clock


Fact: 71% of patients (migraine) are awake or wake up with a migraine

Migraine - Causes and Cures

Before entering into a major headache, it is necessary to understand the causes of migraine. Migraine is caused by abnormal sensoryModulation of the 5 th cranial nerve - the trigeminal nerve.

Cause of Migraine

So what sensory modulation? Imagine fleeing for your life, because there is someone running after you with an ax. They fall over and cut his leg. We get up. Rotate the knuckle. We get up. I'm still going with the same speed. I'll smash your face in the low-hanging branch of a tree, breaking his nose, but will continue to run. If you wore these injuries at work or at home,would probably be done in the hospital in agony!

My brain is constantly working his priority. What is dangerous and needs attention and what is just routine stuff. This is sensory modulation.

In the above scenario, the brain is decided, which was to remain in life more important than all the injuries could not have suffered.

You're probably thinking: "What has to do with migraines?" Now back to the trigeminal nerve, which is a nerve that supplies theTake some of the scalp, the upper and lower teeth, the sinuses and the meninges. (The meninges of the brain has a hard coating). As the name suggests, nerve cells Tri - gem has 3 branches or departments.

Ophthalmic (1st Division)

Maxillary (Division 2)

Mandibular (third division)

The information gathered is fed back to these three divisions in an area of ​​the brain, trigeminal sensory nucleus, and it is here that the modulation takes place for this special sensoryNerve. Now the second and 3 Divisions provide the upper and lower teeth each, so if you grit your teeth and or grinding at night during sleep, sensory inputs around the back along the branches above and below the sensory nucleus and for some reason (not yet entirely clear) This sensitizes the cell nucleus. This means that the kernel is unable to say what is important and what is not. This is abnormal sensory modulation.

This awareness makes the ophthalmic branch of the fireoff nerve impulses out to the blood vessels in the meninges, producing inflammation, which in turn causes the excruciating pain we know as migraine.

The good news is that because most migraines are caused by clenching and grinding of the teeth, it is very easy to treat.

Migraine Cure

So if grinding and clenching are the causes of migraines, stopping these abnormal oral habits (oral parafunction) will cure migraines.

So the question is: "How do we stop this oral Parafunction? "Now, through the separation of the teeth during sleep.

This is done by installing a night guard - a soft denture, worn at night that fits on the upper or lower teeth. In this way, it is still grinding and pressing, the softness of the night watchman reduce stress on the joints of the jaw down and thus reduce and eventually stop the nucleus of the trigeminal sensory awareness.

Migraine - Causes and Cures

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Alternative Pain Relief & Prevention - How to cure headache without medicine

Migraines affect more than 500 million people around the world, and it was noted that only 1% of the world's population to escape the pain and suffering caused by headaches in a long life. In this article I will discuss various techniques for the treatment of migraine without resorting to drugs, but before I explain what a migraine.

What is a migraine?


Migraine is a type of headache that is one side of the head, which is often concentratedvery sharp. Migraine sufferers often experience headaches once a week for 3-4 times a week. It 'difficult to accept for any migraineur on medication for a long time, not only that, but for migraine drugs may have serious side effects and can be expensive. However, there are other solutions, migraine natural agents that help relieve and prevent migraines.

Alternative Pain Relief & Prevention - How to cure headache without medicine

Migraine Relief Alternative # 1

A very simple technique to relieve migraine is considered a cold compress on the areaMost of the time the pain in front of the ear or on the side of the head. There is also a good idea to lie down in a dark room.

Darkness helps relieve headaches, especially for those who are photosensitive migraneurs. The darkness helps to calm the nerves, especially around the eyes.

Alternative Migraine Relief # 2

Another possibility, headache relief is to drink coffee. The coffee is rich in caffeine, which acts quickly to an almost immediate relief. Physiciansemphasized the effects of caffeine in patients with migraine may have more than once. So much so that there is now a medication that contain caffeine in the form of a tablet, especially for those who suffer from migraines, aligned.

Alternative Migraine Relief No. 3

A technique as simple as a walk and fresh air also helps alleviate migraines. A general cause of this type of headache is stress in doing so, simple exercise like walking helps to soothe and relaxthe human body.

Migraine Relief Alternative # 4

Migraine can often be caused by dehydration so drink plenty of water can help alleviate these types of headaches.

Alternative Pain Relief & Prevention - How to cure headache without medicine

Friday, September 9, 2011

More information about symptoms and treatment of migraine

You've probably heard of migraines, how he felt, but you never know how it happened. There are many people who find themselves in this type of health problem. Some find they need to face a frightening experience, and some can be used just like any other minor problem headaches. Well, there are two types of migraine, both of which differ in the definition. One is the common migraine and the other is a classic.

They are probablyask what makes the other common than the classic version. Common migraine without aura often means that this particular type of headache is often accompanied by severe headaches, and characterizes the pounding pounds, along with other symptoms such as sudden problems of hunger, nausea, stomach aches and the feeling of constipation. On the other hand, the classical migraine has to do with certain vision problems.


You will not be able to consider thatto determine such symptoms immediately. There may still cause other symptoms of migraine, but we can think of it as something other than life, such as anorexia and cold sweats. In fact, the headache that occurs is a major migraine attacks. This particular headache can last for about four hours to three days. It can be throbbing on one side of the head from time to time experience.

More information about symptoms and treatment of migraine

Treatment of migraine can vary from one option to another. You can opt for the counterDrugs often do more to relieve your headache with topics such as paracetamol. However, there are medical studies that help those over the counter medicines to all, no more than migraine claims.

Those who suffer from symptoms such as headaches should be able to take note of a migraine attack that estimates because the doctor knows how often this type of problem occurs. From there, the doctor will be able to determine what type of treatmentThey should be given your problems with headaches. Well, apart from the law, drugs, you can also opt for natural treatment of migraine.

First you need to calm the mind busy and not panic is the best thing to do to alleviate these problems. What you need is to start relaxing your mind by looking for a relaxing area in your home. This will certainly reduce the pain and other symptoms of migraine. You can also apply hot and cold therapyThem the maximum comfort for relaxation. Some people feel more comfortable with acupressure. This may also help.

If you are currently experiencing, the headache is the last thing you need to do, panic. If this were a recurring problem, you should be medicines you take. But when the symptoms occurred for the first time, you can apply natural therapies to relieve pain and ask your doctor if symptoms persist.

More information about symptoms and treatment of migraine

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Natural Home Remedies for migraine - Tips for a Natural Cure Migraines

If the constant headaches and painful really disturbing that you need for natural home remedies for migraine and research. Not only that, even if only occasionally suffers from headaches or migraine, migraine relief, you can search quickly and naturally.

Try fresh grapes is a natural migraine relief, you should look. There are some options taken regarding the use of grapes, perhaps. The best and most natural is withThe consumption of a bowl of grapes. Another approach simply drinking the grape crush or grind a little 'and drinking the grape juice. They have a sense of nutrients and vitamins to relieve your headache, of course.


Eat a proper diet is very important. This is not only a great way to help you get rid of headaches faster, but it is also a way to reduce the chances of suffering from one. A balanced diet is the perfect key to staying healthy and happy. And 'goodconsume more fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, milk, honey and yogurt.

Natural Home Remedies for migraine - Tips for a Natural Cure Migraines

Another natural remedy for migraine, which is highly recommended for water. Liquid water is perfect for reducing the average duration of a migraine attack. For a healthy and balanced diet, regular consumption of water can help prevent the onset of migraine headaches. And what about honey? Another home and natural remedies for migraine headaches and is recommended. Many headaches and migrainePatients report a reduction or complete elimination of pain when they drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of honey.

A cold pack can be and should be used to help treat migraines. A cold cloth or a zip-lock bag full of ice can be used. Although a cold pack is an ideal aid for migraine, there are also people who prefer the heat. If you want to try this approach to start with a hot towel or a towel around his neck and shoulders.

Natural Home Remedies for migraine - Tips for a Natural Cure Migraines

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Home remedies headaches - migraine symptom relief ideas

Sometimes a migraine without a person being treated for the site-counter drugs or prescribed. This article outline some migraine home remedy treatments to look, you might want to try instead of the traditional western medicine. Such treatments are commonly known as alternative medicine and home remedies migraine is not based on complex chemical compounds, but are based on common sense and know-how.

One of the cheapest forms of treatment of aMigraine at home is to wrap the ice. The types that can be bought in pharmacies or will be placed on the face or neck of the victim, but you can easily produce one of these at home. What you need to do is (but do not wring), a wet towel and then hit some abundance 'of water. Next fold the towel until it simply placed in the freezer and leave for about 5 minutes or until the sponge has started to stiffen. Explain and then fold and put the ice creamThe sections in the center and sides of the wet stuff out. Once the sponge has become somewhat 'frozen head and then put it in your eyes. For some of these offers relief of migraine symptoms.


Why not try increasing your salt intake? If you feel a migraine beginning then you start eating a packet of corn chips (Fritos are good) or a few chips and cover with a lot of salt (or any other salty foods) because they contribute to a migraine to reassure attack. Although sometimesThis method can not work, you can take the time to prepare frozen towel treatment. It's not often we are told to eat salt! But this is a popular home remedy Migraine and there are people, the symptoms of migraine solution is said about him.

Home remedies headaches - migraine symptom relief ideas

The next home treatment remedy for migraine, see migraine need the help of another person. What you need is to go to a quiet dark room and relax as someone massages the scalp for you.You must massage the head and not your temples and 10 minutes of this treatment do so. See how it works for you and offers help if symptoms of migraine.

But a good way to relieve migraine is to prevent this and so a closer look at your lifestyle and see what could be causing your migraine. You can eat a certain food or because you have not slept enough. While others may find that bright or flashing lights, loud noises or stress to aMigraine attack. By definition, what is causing your migraine attacks will help a long way in controlling and relieving in the future.

As you can see there are many migraine home remedy treatments to choose from and it is best to find what works for you.

Home remedies headaches - migraine symptom relief ideas

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Factors affecting the optical migraine triggers

We are in the computer age where everything is made to the technology. We buy, play and people online. Most business processes are managed online. You can select one of the many, 8-10 hours a day, 7 days a week to spend before the computer works. Yes, the technology is very useful. On the other hand, the use of technologies such as computers in our long-term effort to prepare the eye, which thus lead to optical migraines.

What is optical migraine?Migraine headache is also known as optical acephalgic. It often occurs in men. What is the difference in this type of headache and other typical migraine, the person affected by this disease often have not had a headache. Even if a person suffering from this disease can not affect the pain, there are other symptoms associated with migraine auras eye as nausea and vomiting, sensitivity to light, irritability and headache. Migraine aura is like flashing lights, blind embossedSpots, zig-zag in the field of vision, and temporary loss of vision.


In addition, the cause of migraine is not yet known optical. However, it is important to understand that migraine is the aura that can come with this disease, occurring without warning, it is essential that various factors can trigger migraines understand the optics.

Factors affecting the optical migraine triggers

What are the factors that could cause optical migraines?

Eye strain

We have already said that the eye can cause eye strainMigraine. In fact, the increase in long work on computer and used to working in a dark room lit up, the chances of having ocular migraines. To prevent migraines, you need your eyes a rest from time to time. Take a look at green things. The color green is considered beneficial to reduce eyestrain.

Unhealthy diet

Sad to say, but there are foods trigger migraine attacks optics. Some of these foods are cheese, chicken giblets, canned meat,Canned food, processed foods, chocolate and cakes and monosodium glutamate or MSG. Avoid these types of foods can significantly reduce ocular migraine. In addition to these foods is essential that we understand the importance of a regular meal. Unhealthy diet and an empty stomach, the possibility of having ocular migraines.

Other diseases

After a medical resource online, there are many diseases that can potentially cause ocular migrainessuch as allergies, the temporary failure of the endocrine system and brain edema, normal. In addition to these, may contribute to the narrowing of blood vessels and ocular migraines.
In the end, knowing what triggers migraines eye as eye strain, and diet can help certain medical conditions to better understand his condition of migraine. Talk to your doctor if your eye is worse than migraines.

Factors affecting the optical migraine triggers

Monday, September 5, 2011

Migraine Prevention and Your Diet

For some time researchers and doctors have a connection between food and our health to be seen. When it comes to migraine, but this connection even clearer. As any migraine sufferer will tell you these terrible headaches can often only some of the wrong kind of food will be activated. If you are suddenly the victims of these attacks, then read on and discover some of the most common migraine triggers.

1Alcohol: Alcohol is a trigger migraine headaches known. Although all have the possibility of consumption of alcohol, which can cause a hangover the next day the person subject to headaches, even a touch of alcohol to be sent out in a two-day migraine. Red wine is naturally one of the worst criminals, because they contain substances known to trigger headaches as tyramine, histamine and sulfites. Notes drink dark as red wine, whiskey and bourbon, as high concentrations of congenersimpurities that can contribute to headaches and hangovers. So if you absolutely must indulge, be sure to stick to clear alcohols like gin and vodka.


2. Caffeine: Although caffeine can have a positive effect on headaches at times, drinking too much, too often can reverse this effect. If you get a withdrawal headache on days without caffeine than you may need to consider your caffeine addiction. If you suffer from migraines one cup may help but anything else may lead to more migraines down the road.

Migraine Prevention and Your Diet

3 Food additives: Food additives can often cause severe headaches. The additives are most likely to cause headaches, MSG, and nitrites. Nitrates and nitrates contain dyes and preservatives that are used to treat certain types of meat or smoke. Nitrates and nitrites are the most commonly found in bacon, hot dogs, sausages, ham, salami, corned beef, pastrami, smoked salmon and chilli, then you need to avoid all these conditions fulfilled, if you are prone to migraines. If you findare sensitive to ensure against any of them, read labels carefully and avoid foods that are labeled with sodium nitrite, sodium nitrate, potassium nitrite and potassium nitrate.

MSG also goes by many names, including those, such as hydrolyzed vegetable protein, autolyzed yeast, sodium caseinate, hydrolyzed oat flour, textured protein, yeast extract, casein, calcium and easily identifiable. MSG-sensitive people to notice the occurrence of headaches, rashes, dizziness, flushing orStomach pain after 30 minutes after exposure.

4 Chocolate: Unfortunately, another of the worst offenders when it comes to chocolate migraine. This tidbit is full of substances that are migraine. Chocolate and cocoa contains phenylethylamine, the headaches can be triggered by the conversion of the size of blood vessels. Changes to the blood vessels that leads to inflammation, which can then lead to headaches and migraines.

5 containing tyramineFoods: Tyramine is a substance that is contained in a variety of foods, including most of fermented foods, yeast extracts, as in cakes and bread, which is beer, smoked fish, meats and cheeses. Each of these foods may cause headaches for those who are susceptible to wear. Working on this type of food constriction of blood vessels. This narrowing of blood vessels leads to headaches and migraines through the induction of certain chemicals in the brain.

6 Artificial Sweeteners: Artificial sweetenersare also a problem for patients with migraine. In a study of aspartame found in NutraSweet, has proved almost 200 times sweeter than table sugar. People who started with this sweetener, and reporting to more prone to headaches. Medical studies show that even moderately with aspartame, but especially at higher doses (above 900 mg daily) experience more headaches.

Sucralose is an artificial sweetener known to cause migraines. This is in Splenda and canCause headaches for those who are sensitive. Even if you could not with them in your coffee or tea, you still need to read labels carefully, because this in a variety of different foods can be found. These sweeteners are often added to cereals, candy, yogurt and mint to sweeten foods without adding these artificially low-calorie. Be sure to avoid foods that contain aspartame and sucralose, so if you have sensitive migraine.

If you suffer fromMigraine, there are also many natural remedies that help prevent migraines and can help. Some common herbs are used for migraine headaches include feverfew and ginger. Both can help in several ways. Feverfew has been shown to prevent migraines when taken for at least six weeks, especially while ginger helps with nausea may accompany migraine.

Magnesium is also an important aspect of prevention of migraine, as has been shown to be responsible for the regulation of bloodThe vessels in the body. If you suffer from migraines, you might want to examine, with some magnesium or invest in some natural remedies before opting for migraine prescription drugs often intense and sometimes debilitating.

Migraine Prevention and Your Diet

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The treatment of migraine - Think About the application of heat or cold to relieve migraine

Many migraine sufferers (also known as migraine patients) can relieve their pain of migraine with carefully applied heat and cold. Want to try this remedy first because they avoid the prescription of drugs, if they can help. Many are associated with side effects such as medicine or feel anxious after. This is especially true when children are involved.

Here are some techniques of hot and cold I've seen work for them. I hope you also help, although obviously not allTechniques work for everyone. Some migraine sufferers, it's cold, it does the trick, while others called for headache relief at present. What help can actually make things worse for the other.


Individual test must choose the best approach.

The treatment of migraine - Think About the application of heat or cold to relieve migraine

They are wearing a cold pack or hot on the spot where the pain appears. Often this is in the temple or in front of the ear, both areas have large arteries near.

YouGet your migraine pain behind the eyes? These are people with a damp cloth (warm or cold) with attention placed on the eyes to get relief. It also helps the light from the mouth. Many migraine sufferers find that the light hurts worse and avoid it all costs.

In the shower (hot or cold) is directed to one of these heads on the head and neck massage is something my brother likes to do. A bath would probably work.

Alternating hot and cold applications affected, migraineArea is a good way. This approach is often recommended to help with swelling, muscle aches and joint pain. Works for some migraine sufferers.

Try these solutions migraine hot and cold. Should help to cope with painful headaches, when they attack.

The treatment of migraine - Think About the application of heat or cold to relieve migraine

Friday, September 2, 2011

Natural Migraine Pain Relief Options such as peppermint can help millions of people affected

Patients with migraine more and more necessary to replace the natural methods to relieve migraine or add to rotate the drugs prescribed. There are three major categories of natural migraine treatments:

1 abortive treatments - to help reduce the symptoms of a migraine attack once it has begun, and are designed to relieve nausea and pain


2 preventive treatments - are regularly to limit the frequency and severity of migraine attacks was

Natural Migraine Pain Relief Options such as peppermint can help millions of people affected

3 Nutritional Supplements - aredeveloped for natural vitamins or chemicals in the body, its absence can be a headache

Let's take a look at some natural remedies for migraine in the three categories.

- Peppermint oil can be an effective abortive treatment of migraine

The cooling effect of peppermint oil to make the blood vessels and muscles of the head and neck, which can relax to relieve the pain of a migraine. Massage a small amount of peppermint oil into your temples, forehead, orNeck can give almost immediate relief from the pain of migraine. Many people say that you can actually feel the cooling effect of the oil through the head.

For those who have sensitive skin, may mingle with the ordinary, such as oil of peppermint oil-based. Alternatively, there is a new treatment is available as a stick applicator 4HEAD or tape. 4HEAD levomenthol contains natural peppermint or black, and can be used to integrate the headacheDrugs.

- Herbal remedies can prevent the onset of migraine

There are various herbal remedies migraine headaches which, if taken regularly for a long period, appear to reduce the frequency and severity of migraine attacks, although they are not symptoms of an attack once it is underway. These natural remedies include feverfew and butterbur.

Feverfew is a traditional herbal remedy that not only helps prevent migraines, but also reduces fever, relieves symptoms ofArthritis, and helps with digestive problems. It works by inhibiting the natural release of serotonin and prostaglandins that cause inflammation and spasms of the blood vessels in the head boundaries cause of migraine.

While feverfew is effective for mild migraine butterbur is as better alternative for people who suffer from severe migraines. Although butterbur has anti-inflammatory properties make it ideal for the prevention of migraine attacks, should not be taken in combination withprescribed medications.

Experts fear that if the herbal remedies such as feverfew and butterbur may be taken with migraine drugs sometimes cause such adverse reactions and dangerous expressed. Tell your doctor if you regularly, herbal remedies and, if you are looking for a natural treatment that you can with the medication, it is possible for one of the following dietary supplements instead of searching.

- Natural nutritional supplements can be used with migraineMedication

Shortages of certain chemicals in the body can more regular attacks of migraine or severe. With the intake of food supplements on a regular basis, you can reverse this trend and to reduce or even prevent your headache.

The two most common dietary supplements that can help migraine sufferers can have, magnesium and riboflavin, also known as vitamin B2. I am sure that with normal migraine medications, if necessary, even if the doctor even if youthey are taking.

Natural Migraine Pain Relief Options such as peppermint can help millions of people affected

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Migraine Symptoms - The Link Between Migraines and Insomnia

If a person tends to be a battle with insomnia is almost certainly trigger a migraine attack. In contrast, almost always leads to migraine insomnia. It 'definitely a vicious cycle of migraine patients.

If a person has trouble falling asleep, staying asleep or resorting to sleep when awakened can be concluded that suffers from insomnia. The inability to sleep is often a headache and abdominal pain that often accompanies aggravatedMigraine attacks.


The Journal of the American Headache Society has published a study in 2005 that the links between poor sleep and migraine discussed. The majority of study participants reported some form of sleep disorder, and more than half of the onset of insomnia, migraine headaches at least part time. Almost half of respondents said they sleep six or fewer hours per night. People who only a few hours of sleep experienced frequent and severe headachesHas more attacks than those who sleep. These individuals are also more likely to be transformed migraine or headaches that wake up everyday, rather than suffer pain. Among participants, 75% said that the pain forced her to sleep, while 85% of them said he wanted to rest or sleep because of headaches.

Migraine Symptoms - The Link Between Migraines and Insomnia

Both insomnia and migraine is associated with serotonin deficiency. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, which probably play an important role in regulating sleep, mood, the game is vomiting,The appetite and body temperature. The substance is in the gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system produced and then stored in the blood.

People with insufficient levels of serotonin, one of the many forms of gastrointestinal diseases. This is probably why many migraine sufferers stomach problems before or during a migraine attack. The lack of serotonin is also likely that the cause of the disease, including abdominal migraine known.

Migraine Symptoms - The Link Between Migraines and Insomnia

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