Migraine is one of the most severe forms of headache, affecting millions of people every year. Modern treatment methods are aimed at only the pain of headaches and not the cause. It is recommended that rely on natural methods of treatment of migraine to treat the problem at source and prevent its recurrence.
Features of migraine:
Although the causes of migraine are not fully known, is characterized by inflammation of theThe blood vessels in the head, what a throbbing pain. It is sometimes accompanied by "migraine aura." Some people tend to flashing lights, temporary loss of vision, nausea, etc. Experience
Natural treatment for migraine:
The drugs that are prescribed by doctors only developed in order to ward off the pain. It does not prevent the recurrence of another episode. It also creates a dependency on drugs, which are very harmful in the long term. The natural treatment usually with astrict discipline, for a period that is in complete prevention of migraine recurrence outcome must follow.
Here are some of the tips that follow can hold off the pain.
Breathing Exercise 1:
Breathing regulates the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain and head area. Breathe slowly and deeply, allowing you to focus away from pain.
2 head / eye massage:
Massage the forehead with the fingers. Massage theAcupressure points around the eye. It 'can provide pain relief. Gently apply pressure and run your finger gently around the eye sockets.
3 Aromatherapy:
Add a few teaspoons of essential oils with a favorite scent, to give hot water in a bowl and take it into steam.
4 Treatment of cold and hot
Take a towel and soak it in hot water. Rub and massage the painful area with a towel. Keep the temperature of the tissue to a level that feels comfortable. SomePeople prefer the cold water or ice cubes instead of hot water or steam. Find out what works best for you will bring relief.
5 Relaxation Music:
Choose gentle instrumental music of your choice and feel. It could also be used guided relaxation tapes with good music in the background.
Natural treatment of migraine - methods to get rid of headaches, always
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