Headaches are also known as vascular headaches. There are various types, such as ocular migraines. Although the exact reason why migraine occurs is yet to be known, migraines are thought to be caused by expansion and narrowing of the arteries in the brain. These headaches may begin in the early morning hours and can be extremely painful. The pain is often limited to one side of the head and becomes more difficult after about an hour or two. It can also spread gradually and, finally,accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
A variant of migraine, ocular migraine or migraine opthalmoplegic. It is believed to be caused by expansions and contractions of the arteries, but most affected are those of the ocular blood flow in the visual cortex of the brain. It 'also believed to be due to nerve paralysis or problems with the internal carotid artery. Although this disease is rare, it can still be very painful and often has double vision and other types of supportBlurred vision, nausea and vomiting. Other symptoms include sensitivity to light, reflections or halos around lights, burning eyes, etc. In some extreme cases, the person experienced an ocular migraine permanent neurological deficit due to low blood flow and oxygen supply to the brain. However, most of the symptoms vary and depend on what triggers a migraine.
Some external factors may be at the beginning of the occurrence of migraine. Some particularly hard. EyeMigraine usually occurs after prolonged reading, watching TV, working with the computer, and can emphasize other activities, the eyes. Food can also be external factors that serve to bring the eye of the migraine attack. These foods can also prepare the red wine, chocolate, milk, chicken liver, canned meat and other foods with glutamate. Biological factors may also be causes of migraine such as stress, alcohol consumption, hunger, or the use of oralContraceptives. It also includes serious physical conditions such as sinusitis, hypertension, allergies, cancer and other narrow-angle glaucoma.
The treatment of migraine begins with an eye doctor. A doctor will regularly receive accurate and complete medical history. He is also a physical examination to exclude other causes of ocular migraine such as systemic. Ophthalmologists often play a role, since they will ensure that no eye in relation toProblems that must be brought to ocular migraines.
In cases where a doctor is not readily accessible or is not currently available, it can reduce stress, control blood pressure or medication to help. The management of migraine includes avoiding triggers, along with the preventive or prophylactic treatment, if necessary. In some cases it is better in a quiet, darkened room until symptoms subside rest. Drugs such as painkillers can be easily takenimmediately. This provides immediate relief, but not completely get rid of migraines. Treatment options can be discussed with a doctor during check-ups, especially in case of acute migraine attacks.
Ocular Migraine - Migraine Eye
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