Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Migraine Headache in the Eye

Migraine headache in eyes is a form of migraine that the patients suffer from total and sudden loss of their physical sensations. The eye headache numbness is prickling and tingling feeling, which could be caused by many triggers. It is a symptom of many ailment, disorders and other disease. Loss of sensation can cause accident or injury.

You are about to have eye headache when you feel a numbness in the following:


1- Tongue

Migraine Headache in the Eye

2- Arms

3- Hands

4- Face

These are the initial symptoms of the eye headache attacks. There are 3 types of this headache:

1- Silent migraine

2- Ocular migraine

3- Complex migraine

The ocular type

It is the case wherein the vision ability of your eyes is becoming distorted and blurred.

The silent type

It is the case of having a migraine without any numbness symptoms, and you will feel normal.

The complex type

It is the partial loss of your feeling

The best cure to overcome and get rid of the eye migraine symptoms is avoiding the reasons. You have to follow good measures.

The most effective method in treating eye migraine headache is by determine the reasons that trigger it to happen. By knowing these reasons you may identify the suitable treatment which cure it. The most common reasons which server as eye migraine headache triggers are: hormonal variations, lack of sleep and rest, stressful activities, exposure to harmful sun rays and bright lights, weather conditions and climate changes, eating disorders, hunger, loss of appetite, frequent physical exertions and certain foods such as:

1- Sulfate rich wines

2- Processes meats

3- Dairies

4- Soy products

5- Caffeine

Migraine Headache in the Eye


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